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CME Plenary Sessions InnovatorMD World Congress 2021

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

Come, be a part of InnovatorMD World Congress 2021


Robert Pearl, MD Professor Stanford University Uncaring: How the Culture of Medicine Kills Doctors & Patients. The American Healthcare system is the most expensive in the world and achieves quality outcomes that lag the other industrialized nations of the world. Much of the problem results from systemic issues including how healthcare is structured, reimbursed, technologically enabled and led. But a second part of the problem is the culture of medicine -- an invisible force that doctors learn in medical school and residency and carry with them their whole professional careers. Both must be addressed.

Paul DeChant, MD, MBA CEO, Paul DeChant, MD, MBA The CEO's Guide to Ending Clinician Burnout NOW!

The existential threat of COVID-19 drove healthcare providers to transform care delivery more rapidly than anyone thought possible. ASCs were transformed into ICUs and outpatient visits were converted to telemedicine practically overnight. We can apply the lessons we've learned about rapid transformation to addressing the pandemic of clinician burnout. All we need is the will and the method. Are you ready to be inspired and take action? BrentJackson, MD, MBA VP/Chief Medical Officer, Dignity Health/Mercy General Hospital Managing Medical Staff Anxieties and Engagement during a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic created challenges for Medical Staffs around the world. Anxieties about the unknown, physical exhaustion, and disengagement were a few specific areas in which the staff needed support. I will discuss how frequent communication and recognitions were the foundation of a successful strategy that kept our physicians and APPs engaged. Gordon Chen, MD

CMO, ChenMed Physician Development: Unlocking the Power to Transform Healthcare in America

The best thing we, as physicians, can do for our patients, ourselves and our communities is invest in ourselves – in the personal development that will allow us to move past a positional stage of influence and into relationship, outcome-based, and team building stages of influence. Only when physicians are equal parts master technician, transformative change agent, master influencer and inspirational leader, can we fulfill the potential that exists in all of us to improve health and create a beautiful vision of healthcare in America.

Plenary Session II (CME) - TECH-ENABLED CARE

The Value of Alignment in a New Health Care Experience

It’s time for a course correction. Let’s go back to where we started, understanding the value of alignment for setting a truer direction. When your car is misaligned, you understand — and you feel — how the imbalance of even one wheel adversely affects the whole vehicle and makes your journey tricker. Can we apply alignment that way for health care — as was originally intended — where individual benefit is driven by the balance of the whole? In a world of both of in-person and digital care, evidence is showing that we can.As a physician, executive and consultant, I’ve been working with employers for 25 years on their health care needs. I know that employers want to improve the value they receive for the considerable spend they invest in their people.

Assessing Risk of New Technologies

Healthcare is understandably highly averse to risk because lives are at stake. Healthcare workers, medical equipment, and policies and practices must all undergo standardized rigorous evaluation and testing before being allowed to touch patients. However, we also live in an age when technology is progressing at an exponential rate, offering potentially tremendous benefits. This session will explore some concepts and approaches to risk management of emerging technologies.

Co-founder and CEO Asclepiad, Inc

AI/ML in drug discovery - hype or reality?

Cancer Drug Discovery is in Crisis. Today, the average cost of developing one drug is >2.8B$, takes more than a decade, fails often, and certain types of cancers are not even addressed. There has been an evolution in AI/ML technologies attempting to address this health as well as economic issue. However, there is also a significant 'hype' around these novel technologies - how do we make sense of what's real or not and how do we appropriately incorporate AI with HI (human intelligence) to enable best oncologic discoveries?

ApricityOncology, a virtual gateway to expert cancer care

A digital care solution with associated Cancer Adverse event Rapid Evaluation service, ApricityOncology is the virtual gateway to expert cancer care for patients in underserved communities. ApricityOncology empowers the clinical teams with cognitive and capacity augmentation so they can extend 24/7 proactive care with consistent quality and uniform patient experience. It is a tech-enabled scalable health equity solution to improve patient access to specialty cancer care and clinical trials.

Will healthcare entrepreneurship die too?

For all the entrepreneurship cheerleading of the last 15 years, the Great Recession accelerated an already alarming decline in new business formation in this country. In the United States, our rates of entrepreneurship have been declining for decades, and those new firms that have been created are employing fewer and fewer people. While COVID has fueled the rise of digital health, what will happen to sickcare entrepreneurship when the pandemic ends? Where are the opportunities?


Chief Intelligence and Innovation Officer, CHOC Children's Hospital Future Trends of AI in Healthcare and the Need for an AI Strategy for Your Organization

The future trends of AI in healthcare involves further sophistication of current methodologies of machine and deep learning, such as protein structure prediction with AI for drug discovery and design. In addition, convergence with other emerging technologies will increase the value proposition of AI in medicine and healthcare. These areas include: (A) Apps that are consumer-focused; (B) Biomarkers that are digital (wearable, implantable, sensor, etc); (C) Collective learning (federated and swarm types); (D) Digital twin and thread; and (E) Extended reality. Lastly, with all the exponential developments of AI and emerging technologies, it is more essential than ever to have a future-oriented AI strategy for any organization.

A.I. & Healthcare: Future & Threats

The Advent of AI in Healthcare, once thought as a futuristic threat to humankind, artificial intelligence is now a part of everyday life. In healthcare, AI is changing the game with its applications in decision support, image analysis, and patient triage.

Validation and Deployment of Clinical AI - A Platform Approach

At same time, AI is like any invention is a two side sword. Like FIRE was a great invention to be able to provide help to see in the dark, keep you warm, cooking and then it found its way to be used in weapons, in destruction.

The Power and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Surgical Patient Care

While artificial intelligence and machine learning offer potential benefits to the efficient delivery of high quality surgical patient care, there are several limitations and factors to consider. Areas of increased focus around risk prediction, robotic surgery and virtual patient care require attention in the areas of IT integration, executive and clinical stakeholder engagement and sustainable change management. We will discuss practical approaches to delivering effective solutions to surgeons.


Maintenance of Certification: Reform or Reboot

The American Board of Medical Specialties has inordinate control over the credentialing of doctors, which has resulted in the genesis of an expensive, time, consuming, and burdensome program called Maintenance of Certification or MOC. Mandatory MOC compliance reduces patient access to healthcare, increases healthcare costs, contributes to the epidemic of physician burnout, and is discriminatory based on age, sex, and race, as older physicians are exempt from participation.

The Real price of care and how digital healthcare is changing the equation

A panel with people who advocate for price transparency.

Innovating Physician Advocacy and Organization

U.S. Physicians have long recognized that our Medical landscape is broken for our patients and our profession. What are the stumbling blocks for physicians to take back the reins from consolidated corporations?

“Practice Makes Politics”

Advocacy doesn’t begin and end in the exam or operating room; it extends to every level of decision making, including public office. As physicians and dentists, we face a multitude of challenges unique to our specialties. During this session, we will discuss what it takes to run and how it will impact your practice. And if running is right for you, we will dive into the fundamentals of being an effective physician advocate-- while many elected representatives appreciate the work we do, only a physician or dentist can truly understand and give the real world perspective of the challenges we face.

Plenary Session V (CME) - DIGITAL HEALTH

Ashish Atreja, MD MPH, CIO and Chief Digital Health Officer UC Davis Health and NODE.Health The Critical Role of Clinicians in Evidence Based Digital Health and Exponential Care Due to COVID-19, in-person visits shifted to video visits, as a result, telehealth became mainstream. However, the bigger promise of digital health is exponentially enhancing the delivery of care and research from one-one visits to one-many digital touchpoints. Dr. Atreja will share real-world examples of this shift to precision, population and person-centered care, and the critical role of clinicians in supporting the science of evidence-based digital health. Daniel Kraft, MD

The future of health and medicine- where can technology take us? Sharief Taraman, MD, DABPN CMO, Cognoa Introduction to Autism & Artificial Intelligence This presentation will provide an overview of AI in the field of pediatrics, focusing on the current unmet medical need in the diagnosis of ASD and discuss real world implications needed for clinical integration of an AI diagnostic tool for autism. Key learning objectives include understanding how artificial intelligence uses pattern recognition and how that is applied in the diagnostic journey as well as the potential of AI to address current social biases and socio-economic disparities. Joel Park, MD, MS Director, Medical Informatics & Health Information Systems, BeiGene Real World Data in Pharmaceuticals Since the passage of the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016, regulatory agencies has begun incorporating the use of everyday, real-world data to support regulatory decision making. Typically, data used to approve investigational drugs are collected via traditional clinical trials. However, with the plethora of a variety of health IT sources, real world evidence generated from real world data can be used to support regulatory decision-making at the FDA. Rajeev Ronanki

Plenary Session VI (CME) - MODELS OF CARE

Cristin Dickerson CEO, Green Imaging, PLLC Easy and affordable employer sponsored health care Dr. Dickerson describes the broken healthcare system and the malaligned incentives of the parties involved and offers up solutions that not only cut the cost in half but also provide better care and align the incentives of employers, employees, and physicians. Ron Barshop CEO, Healthcareis Fixed A Primary Care Movement Changes Everything 25 m patients are now directly contracting with not only primary care providers but labs, imaging, specialists and pharmacies.Employers are funding this on a monthly subscription model. Because it’s a digital first model less docs are needed yet panel sizes are smaller. This model surpasses the triple aim achieving a quintuple aim. Happy patient, Happy doc, Happy employers, Better pop health, Lower costs. Hieu Bui, MD, MBA Senior Advisor, Enterprise Engagement Alliance Healthcare Human Capital Metrics and Analytics The true value creation of healthcare systems is manufactured by its intangible assets or employees and not the high-cost or state of the art technology. Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) of the healthcare workforce are assets that generate true value for an organization. An organization's unique competitive position in any industry is achieved by having an effective people analytics strategy. Sridhar Prathikanti MD Entrepreneur, MD Advocate Getting MD's Back In Control of Their Jobs with Telehealth Technology In today's world Wall Street has decided they know how to take care of patient care and manage MD's is our reality. I strongly feel MDs should be in control of their own destiny. We can never re-wind to the private practice model but we should be able to leverage technology to do telehealth cooperatives with MD's in control and making decisions based on what's good for MD's/patients and their profit margins. Another example: MIEC:


Tom Lawry National Director for Artificial Intelligence, Health and Life Sciences, Microsoft The Future is not What it Used to Be We are in the early stages of the next big platform shift in healthcare computing. Fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Cloud, this shift is already transforming the way health and medical services are provided. As the industry transitions from static digital repositories to intelligent systems, there will be winners and losers in the race to innovate and automate the provision of services. Critical to success will be the role clinical leaders play in shaping the use of AI to be less "artificial" and more "intelligent" in support of improving processes to deliver care and keep people healthy and productive across all care settings. This session defines key trends happening now and actions for physicians and health leaders to consider in harnessing the power of AI to support clinical and professional success. Shafi Ahmed Surgeon, Entrepreneur, Futurist, Humanitarian, Teacher, Transforming Healthcare Globally, Barts Health NHS Trust

The Radical Changemakers - Linear to Exponential

The pandemic has exemplified the use of technologies to enhance the patient experience and to improve outcomes. There has been a rise of innovators with a comcomitant seismic shift moving from an analaogue health system to become more digitally enabled. The cost of health needs to be reduced by the use of smart technologies and allowing more remote and virtual care. This talk will take a glimpse into the future to inspire the change-makers of today and tomorrow. Vallabh Janardhan, MD CMO & Co-Founder at Insera Therapeutics, Inc.

Patient-Centric Innovation is the Future of Medicine.

A patient-centric approach to designing medical devices is critical to the future of our industry. It is tempting to incorporate a grab-bag of cool technologies into your medical device platform, but the effort is irrelevant if it does not measurably improve patient outcomes.

It is trendy in neuro catheters (for e.g. stroke catheters) to tweak the dimensions by a few thousandth of an inch, or change the core technology from braiding to coiling or vice versa. It is also trendy to call out one or two unique features that “no one else has”, such as a beveled tip to your catheter or insisting that there is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine under the hood of your software. Yes, unique features and AI are cool and trendy, but at the end of the day, none of this matters if it does not move the needle on critical patient measures such as mortality, early neurological improvement (e.g. NIH stroke score), functional outcomes (e.g. modified ranking scale at 90 days), or eTICI 3 First Pass Effect etc.

Technology has to serve the needs of the end user (e.g the neuro-interventionalist), who in-turn cares about measurable improvements in patient outcomes. Not the other way around.

So how does one go about designing a next-generation technology while keeping these metrics front row and center of their design thinking? Prasun Mishra, Ph.D. CEO, American Association for Precision Medicine Precision Medicine: The Way Forward! Recent advancements in the precision medicine field have presented a great promise to provide innovative solutions to pharmaceutical and healthcare industry to help transform medicine. By finding integrated solutions to analyze digital health as well as omics data presents a quick and more accurate method of diagnosing and treating diseases. This talk will focus on highlighting recent advancements in the field of precision medicine. Vikrum Sunny Malhotra CEO, RPAutomation Robotic Process Automation: Healthcare Automation to reduce costs, increase productivity, & improved quality of care An AI strategy is crucial to the digital transformation of healthcare. An important contributor to improving performance is automating manual tasks. Robotic process automation (RPA) can automate manual tasks to reduce administrative costs. Learn how to reduce cost and improve efficiency in your healthcare system.


Vik Bakhru, MD, MBA Founding CMO & Head of Mosaic (Partnerships/Strategy) at Circulo Health The Role of Health Equity in Patient-Driven Care As our healthcare ecosystem broadens its offering of digital services to include new ways to address cultural and social determinants of health, there exists a need to establish product-market fit for each population being served. We must avoid replicating a "one size fits all" approach to delivering high quality care and innovate around the patient experience using the principles of health equity and patient-centered care. Michael Harbour, MD, MPH CMO, UC Berkeley School of Public Health-ConnectWell Engaging Patients Remotely in a Post-Pandemic World with Accurate Health Information and Digital Health Tools Health care access and delivery is changing. The pandemic has limited traditional health care access due to contagion fears while innovations in health care delivery like telemedicine has become widely used. Patients also seek out healthcare information on their own. My talk focuses on how healthcare providers can empower patients by providing access to validated information and tools to improve their engagement and health outcomes. I will demonstrate the unique program from ConnectWell. Bo Wang, MD Clinician Scientist, Google Health misinformation, Health good information Health-related misinformation is hardly a new phenomenon, but it has gained increasing relevance and attention in the age of social media and in the midst of an evolving pandemic. What is misinformation, and how is it different from disinformation and malinformation? How are key stakeholders working to address health misinformation? And how can we think about not only diagnosing and addressing bad content, but also identifying good, useful health information? Sophia Yen, MD, MPH CEO, Co-Founder, Pandia Health Birth control update: BMI, ethnicity, and #PeriodsOptional An update on birth control from IUDs to Emergency Contraception. What I've learned from writing 2000 birth control prescriptions in 2 years: BMI, ethnicity and birth control and making #PeriodsOptional:the science and safety of #FewerPeriods #NoPeriods. Fran Ayalasomayajula, MPH, MSMIS, PMP President, Reach Fostering Digital Health Equity: The Role of and Value to Care Providers In a series of focus groups conducted by Reach, a diverse group of international medical specialists concluded that “healthcare access and quality are among the leading determinants of health for which institutions have the most control over” (2020). In this session we'll explore how tech is an enabler and outline how providers can expand the reach and relevance of clinical care coverage, as well as address their own struggles with technology adoption through digital health equity.

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